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Poet Share Poetry Forums: Your Poetry Here!
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Please remember our policy of replying to 2 poems by other poets for every new poem you post! Thank you, and welcome to Poet Share!

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 Prompt #100!

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Location : Vermont

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PostPrompt #100!

Happy Friday everyone! Smile

This week's Featured Poem is Why Oh Why by Musicmylife, click here to read it! And don't forget to send in your nomination for the next Featured Poem!

We're entirely too excited about our 100th Poetry Prompt so without further ado here it is:

Prompt #100!
We've hosted 99 previous prompts for you here at Poet Share Poetry Forums, and we figured the One Hundredth should be something special, a bit of a challenge that's also fun.

We present you with the following three constraints:

1) Your poem must be at least 16 lines long with end rhyme--your choice of rhyme scheme.
2) Your poem must contain some reference to magic or something magical.
3) Your poem must contain at least two of the following elements: joy, grief, triumph, fury, love, or sadness.

Post your poem as a new topic in the Poetry Prompts board. PLEASE BE SURE TO PUT "PROMPT #100" IN THE DESCRIPTION FIELD TO ENSURE YOU ARE CONSIDERED FOR VOTING. You have two weeks to enter this prompt, until 10pm EST US on Friday, November 16th. We will have a member voting thread to decide the winner. The winning poem will earn 2 Badges of their choice for their profile. The runner up will earn 1 Badge of their choice.

Have fun, be creative, and good luck!!
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